When a stranger calls : Based from a true story


When a stranger calls is a movie popular back in 2006. It stars Jill,  a young girl who babysits for a wealthy family, while the couple is away, the girl receives simultaneous phone calls from a total stranger. After getting non stop phone calls from the stranger, she got scared and decided to call the police. But she later found out that the caller was already inside the house, she got even more scared than she was before and checked to see if the doors were locked, but instead of finding unlocked doors, what she found was the body of the dead maid. As she found the body, she got more phone calls and as she tried to talk to the caller, she then realized that this was a killer and that he was after her life. Petrified, she tried to escape the house together with the children who was with her in the house  but the killer went after her, as she and the kids went hide and seek with the killer, she began calling the police, as soon as the killer was getting to them, the police arrived just in time for them to leave the house and just in time for the killer to be arrested.

This is one of my favorite movies because it talks of something that is outside of the plot, it has a message inside the plot and within he plot which means if you really reflect on it or think it through you will find more values and lessons or insights in it.

The main lesson here is to be vigilant. Anywhere you go, there will always be a killer or convict (convict may not be the appropriate word). You may not know who it is, who mat not expect it but it is there and it will come get you as it pleases. The manager of the hotel you are logged in may be a killer, In the streets, your neighbor might be your killer. There is no sanctuary, the world is a battleground, a training field, a field for survival; it is the survival of the fittest.

When we say Killing, it does not necessarily mean taking the life of somebody, rather it could mean killing of emotional life, self esteem or it could refer to identity murder ( ruining one’s identity, the murderer usually is not aware of this, an example is cheating on a head over hills girl friend which could lead to identity confusion or loss on the girl’s part.) When we say criminal, it does not only refer to outlawed people, it could refer to those people who are gradually trying to ruin you, those who would seem as friends but is really to ruin you. They are hoax or viruses if you would put it in an Information in technology point of view; they try to make you believe something which is not true. An example is your best friend who acts as if she cares about you but is really secretly jealous of you and is trying to run you by.

Sometimes, we are like Jill, she had no idea that her killer was in the midst of where she is standing in, sometimes we also do not know that those people dear to us could be the ones behind those things that are tearing us apart

I, we rather cannot enumerate the reasons why killing is existent everywhere, but one thing for sure it is no good to be upset over those killers around us, I know some of you are mad right now, we all experience death somehow but its okay because its not the end. Focus on the trail. look at it as a maze where are trails that lead to goodness while there are those who lead to badness, some even lead to the end of the road which is death itself, be mindful of the hoax that may come ahead, they may make you believe somethings that you should not. And if you succeed in that or not, just remember “life goes on”

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