How to be a youtuber

Popular these days are internet publications. Blogging has gradually become a trend all over the world, urging website developers to come up with more websites that supports blogging like Facebook, WordPress, Wattpad, Tumbler, Youtube and many more. As blogging is gradually becoming a trend, other types of blogging occurred, like Vlogging. This is where people uses video clips express and thoughts instead of writing. One of the most popular and used website for vlogging is Youtube. A lot of people know Youtube for music videos and other entertainment clips, but what it covert to some people is that is Vlogs. Vlogs are in a way better than written blogs because blogs can appear different to every user because every reaer has their own opinion on a topic whereas through vlogs you are able to express gestures and expressions which make the item more specific. People who do vlogs on youtube are called youtubers.

Here are 10 simple ways to become a youtuber:

1.   Account

The first thing a youtuber needs is an account. To get one is simple, you just go to www. and hit the sign up button and in a matter of minutes, you’re all set.

2.   How to be a youtuber Create a channel

After making an account, what you need is a channel where all your videos wind up. As for the channel name, you have to think of a name that will catch the attention of people, for the sake of earning followers and likes you have to create a good channel name.

3.   A camera

Now you have two of the most important things to be a youtuber, now you need a camera, to film your work of course. A digital camera would do, but a DSLR would work best, especially if you’re planning to do daily vlogs.

4.   Idea

Youtube accounts, cameras and channels, all these are nothing if you don’t have any idea of what vlog you are going to do. You can do any topic you. Like maybe pillow talk or how to survive college.

5.   Plot

Now that you know what topic you want, the next thing you need to do is construct your video. The first thing to consider is a.) What kind of video to make. Is it pillow talk or just a simple get to know video b.) Another thing to consider is your audience. Who will be you’re audience? Are they kids? Teenagers? Young adults? C.)Lastly is your signature style. For what do you want to be known for? Humor? Good looks?

6.   Do the video

In doing the video, the only rule is to be candid, avoid scripts, as much as possible, just be familiar with the message you want to give your viewers. Do the video scene per scene. Do not a video all at once. Take your time.

7.   Edit your video

Edit your video, make it more appealing to people. Sound effects would very much add variety to your video. To edit your videos you could use youtube video editor. Just hit the upload button and a page appears where you will see the online editor of youtube. You can also download AVS video editor. It’s free software.

8. Get a signature ending

Make up a signature ending. It is a cue where viewers would know that once you do that signature, it is the end of the video.

9.   Upload it

When your all set with the editing and stuff, you can upload it. When you log in youtube hit the upload button and a page will appear where you can upload your video. And there you go, youre now a youtuber.

10.  Make regular vlogs

To keep followers and viewers, you might want to make daily vlogs.



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