Little adventure

There I was sitting in my bed, dumb founded; my two roommates giving me the what’s gotten into you look, “hey” Grace called, “what really happened?” Rhoda asked. The truth is I can in no believable way explain what really happened. It all happened one Sunday morning, it was my third day in Naga City, and I went to the Cathedral Church to attend the morning mass. It was almost first day of classes and I was with no family member, I had no one to turn to, what made me even more afraid of college is that I couldn’t even understand a single word that these Bicolanos say, so I wanted to be on God’s good side; so there I was, listening to the Father preach, trying my best to not be distracted by the chit chat going on my backside which I could not understand of course. After the mass was over I decided to go to SM to buy shoes because my shoes were all worn out. I went to the department store to look for shoes; I tried on some shoes for about half an hour as I waited for my parents to send me some cash for the shoes. After a while I was able to but my shoes and I was thinking whether or not to come back to our dorm; it was a weekend so almost all dormers are at their houses which leaves me alone in my room because my roommates went back home. I decided to roam the city; I hang around E – mall for a bit, then I took some lunch, it felt pretty awkward to have to 

eat all by myself but I was left with no choice, it’s not like I have friends at that time. After I had lunch I decided to go back to the dorm because I thought I wanted to take a nap; there was a problem, I did not know where to ride a tricycle; all the tricycle that passes are all going to a different location, I had no choice but to walk, I found pretty hard, I tried remembering the route that tricycles go when going to Ateneo Avenue, It was a hot day, the sun was burning my skin so I went to USI to get away from the sun, from there I started walking again; I was walking pretty fast then there was this guy who nudged me; before I could even look behind he came up at me “hey” he said, and I just stood there thinking whether to respond or not “hey, I’m talking to you” he said, clearly annoyed my lack of reply. The fact that a total stranger come up to me unexpected was already creepy; the fact that he would actually talk to me as if he knows me or something, now that really took away my soul. I decided to turn and just continue to walk home “hey wait, who you are?” he came to me again and asked. I was rather getting furious at the time but decided to not let it show and act calm so I just answered in calm voice “why do you need to know? Have we met before?” He stood there blank and said “No.”. “Okay then, I have to go” I said with a nod. Then there I was walking again away from that strange man who thinks he can just walk up to someone who he doesn’t even know. I don’t know what happened next; perhaps I was just scared that I forgot which trail to follow, I should have taken a turn on the corner instead I walked straight ahead; I tried to find my way but I couldn’t, I only found myself back where I first met that strange guy, so I just told me myself, it’s alright I’ll just have to turn now instead of going straight ahead. Then 

there he was again; I saw him again. He looked at me a strange look; as if he thought I was some weird kid roaming around the streets. “Great” I told myself. “You again” he says to me in a rather arrogant voice. “You seem lost” he added. “Just a little, but I’ll find my way, so I’ll just go now” I replied. “Come on, tell me where you’re off to, maybe I can help you” he said back. “No thanks” “if you keep on roaming and roaming around here people will start to think to your crazy”. I thought about it and he was right “fine”.

“You know I could show you around, you know so you wouldn’t get lost again” he said “no thanks. I’d rather go home” I responded. He kept on debating on whether he should show me around or not; and I knew from the moment he mentioned showing me around thing that he wouldn’t let me go until he did that, and I was right.

“Let’s take a bus” he said. I just nodded my head, disturbed by the fact that I’m letting a total stranger take me somewhere totally unknown to me.

“Aren’t you enjoying this place?” he asked. I just nodded and faked a smile. As a matter of fact that was how I was the entire time we were at CWC. Yeah, CWC. He took me there’ the most uncomfortable place to be if you’re with some stranger. Somehow I managed to make him take me back home, I guess with a couple of frowning sassing, he finally gave up and took me back home.

“What really happened? “Grace asked again. “I already told you what happened”. “Let’s just get some sleep, it’s our first day tomorrow, let’s just forget about everything that’s happened” Rhoda said. 

I was walking back to the dorm after school.” He came back this morning” my landlady said. “You’re kidding” I said. “No” she responded. “He came back looking for you”. Lucky for me, we were able to dupe him and make him stay away from the dorm; who knows what else could have happened if not for that.

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